Women’s Shirts
Form fitted women’s shirt because, ladies, let’s face it – you get tired of only being able to buy men’s shirts. Right?
You want something that’s cut to your size. You want something that will show off “the girls” a little. Then this is your shirt!
Two BEAUTIFUL color options: Heather Blue or Cranberry
Available sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL (some sizes may have limited availability in certain colors)
One sizing note – these shirts run a little small.
Here’s where to get yours! CLICK HERE
Men’s Shirts
Alright guys – you THINK you know what this is. But you’re wrong. It’s NOT your basic, cool, band tee shirt.
This bad mama-jama is made of 10,000% percent cotton, has pheromones embedded in the fabric, comes in 2 color options, and is especially fitted to show off those guns. Essentially, if you wear this shirt women are going to find you irresistible. Maybe I’m using “puffery” in the description, or maybe these claims are true.
Either way, you get a cool shirt.
Ready to order? CLICK HERE
This is a special, limited edition shirt created specifically for our “Sun Spots” album release party. The front of it shows a quote by Willie Dixon who said “You can have the blues because your woman left you, or you can have the blues because she came back.”
This line was the genesis of the Big Train and the Loco Motives song “My Woman Come Back”, which is also featured on the “Sun Spots” album.
Regardless of why you like it, it’s still a pretty cool shirt.
Ready to order? CLICK HERE
CDs and Downloads
“Red Dirt Blues! Live from Ground Zero Blues Club”
This is a live, mixed, and mastered CD of our live performance at the Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale, Mississippi. You have several format options:
Digital Download Available at BandCamp – $7.00 – CLICK HERE
Physical CD – $10.00 – CLICK HERE
Quadrophonic Reel to Reel – SOLD OUT
Wax Cylinder – SOLD OUT
“Sun Spots”
This is a live in-studio mixed and mastered CD recorded in the fabled Sun Studios in Memphis, TN. You have several format options:
Digital Download Available at BandCamp – $7.00 – CLICK HERE
Physical CD – $10.00 – CLICK HERE
8-Track Tape – SOLD OUT
VHS/Betamax – SOLD OUT
BlueRay – SOLD OUT